Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development


What is CEEPUS?

CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies)is an exchange program for universities in the Central Europe.

Students can spend a study period abroad or teachers can undertake a teaching period at a partner university. These opportunities are designed to strengthen professional and personal relationships among Central European scholars empowering and developing Central Europe both in political and economical levels that way. The exchange programme started in March 1995 and since then it has been frequently lasting.

Member countries
Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic,Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia and University of Prishtina in Kosovo and Moldova.

More info: http://ceepus.info/


Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development after the successful approval of the project: "Rural Tourism Programs Network“ has joined the CEEPUS program.

The issue of Rural Tourism is very actual nowadays. Rural Tourism supports employment and regional development in the the rural areas. It is necessary to educate students in this area so that future graduates will be able to apply their theoretical knowledge into the practice.

The main objective of "Rural Tourism Programs Network," is to provide students and teachers Exchange mobilities in order to enrich their knowledge and practical experiences in this field. In the frame of the project will be organised: lectures, workshops, seminars focus on Rural Tourism.

How to apply?

Foreign students from partner institutes who wold like to study at the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development in the framework of „Rural tourism programs network“ CIII-SK-0505-05-1516 have to contact their local coordinator of the CEEPUS network.
After succesfull admission process they need to registrate at http://ceepus.info/ and fill out their profile.

Students can choose courses in English language offered at our faculty and university at these links: